I am Tom Bull, a haematology consultant in the East of England.
The content on this website began with the notes I made in preparing for the FRCPath exams in 2017 and 2018. It has grown considerably since then but my goal remains to try to maintain the detail at level expected for the Part 2 exam. Rest assured I knew far less than the content of this site at the time of my exams and I still passed.
Wherever possible I have dated and hyperlinked content to help you to gauge the last time I reviewed the content of a particular page. Although I do pick through from time to time and update subsections as I pick up new facts.
Also included is information gained from the many hours consultants and lab scientists put aside to teach me and my colleagues when preparing for the exams. It could not exist without their inspirational training and education!
Increasingly I (you) have been fortunate that several people have contributed their own content to the site and you will find this particularly in the morphology and exam prep sections.
The primary sources are solid - any errors made are purely my own!
Contact me:
If you find this site useful and would like to give some feedback, or if you have spotted an error that needs correcting, I can be contacted via:
Email: haembase@gmail.com
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