Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) (BSH 2020, ELN 2020)


x100 PB CML 3.jpg



  • Part of ABL from 9 moves to the BCR on 22. (and part of 22 moves to 9)

  • Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome = the abnormal 22 that carries the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene

  • BCR-ABL1 fusion gene codes for a protein with excess tyrosine kinase activity

  • Ph chromosome is an acquired abnormality of a haemopoietic stem cell and so found in cells of both myeloid and lymphoid lineages.


Clinical Presentation

  • Median age at diagnosis = 57 years

  • 20% of pts >70 yo, <5% of pts <18

  • 50% diagnosed on incidental FBC finding

  • B symptoms, splenomegaly, symptoms of anaemia / thrombocytopenia




Chronic Phase

  • Not accelerated or blastic phase

Accelerated Phase (ELN) ***No longer exists in the WHO-HAEM5 classification***

  • 15-29% Blasts in blood or marrow, or >30% blasts + promyelocytes in blood or marrow

  • >20% basophils in blood

  • Persistent thrombocytopenia <100 unrelated to therapy

  • Clonal chromosome abnormalities in Ph+ cells (CCA/Ph+), major route, on treatment

Blastic Phase (ELN)

  • >30% blasts in blood or marrow (or >20% in WHO-HAEM5)

  • Extramedullary blast proliferation, apart from spleen


Complete Haematologic Response (CHR)

  • Normal blood counts


Cytogenetic Response (CyR)

  • Assessed by chromosome banding analysis (CBA) of at least 20 marrow cell metaphases. Peripheral blood FISH is an acceptable alternative only when assessing Complete CyR (CCyR), defined as <1% BCR-ABL1 positive nuclei of at least 200 cells.


Molecular Response

  • Ratio of BCR-ABL1 transcripts to ABL1 transcripts, measured by quantitative reverse transcirptase PCR (RT-qPCR).

  • It is reported as BCR-ABL1 IS on a log scale, where 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0.0032% and 0.001% correspond to a decrease of 1,2,3,4,4.5 & 5 logs below the standard baseline.


Major Molecular Response (MMR, MR3.0)

  • <0.1% BCR-ABL1 transcripts


Deep Molecular Response (DMR)

  • MR4.0 defined as:

    • either i) detectable disease with <0.01% BCR-ABL1 IS

    • or ii) undetectable disease in cDNA with >10,000 transcripts.

  • MR4.5 defined as:

    • either i) detectable disease with <0.0032% BCR-ABL1 IS

    • or ii) undetectable disease in cDNA with >32,000 transcripts.

  • MR5 defined as:

    • either i) detectable disease with <0.001% BCR-ABL1 IS

    • or ii) undetectable disease in cDNA with >100,000 transcripts.

  • Molecularly undetectable leukaemia

    • undetectable disease (must state number of transcripts analysed)

Treatment-Free Remission (TFR)

  • Emerging as the long-term goal of CML management


initial work-up

Physical examination, Cardiovascular Disease risk assessment (e.g. Qrisk-3)

Bloods - inc Hep B & C screening, Cholesterol, lipid profile, HbA1c

ECG (TKI’s prolong QTc)

Bone MArrow biopsy


  • ?Disease Phase - % Blasts, % Basophils


  • Degree of fibrosis (prognostics)


  • To identify Philadelphia chromosome & Additional Chromosomal Abnormalities (ACA) in Ph+ cells

    • (‘Major Route’ ACA’s include extra Ph, trisomy 8, trisomy 19, isochromosome 17q)

  • Chromosome Band Analysis (CBA) and/or FISH


  • Qualitative PCR to identify type of BCR-ABL1 transcripts (followed when assessing treatment response)

    • Most commonly e13a2 and e14a2

    • (terminology note: e13a2 = fusion between BCR exon 13 and ABL1 exon 2. Etc)

  • 2-4% pts have atypical transcripts, e.g. e13a3 & e14a3 which lack ABL1 exon 2

  • (Further molecular testing can include BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain (KD) mutation analysis. This is not indicated at diagnosis in chronic phase, but may be relevant at later date, e.g. suspected TKI resistance)

risk assessment

Risk Assessment Scores devised prior to TKI’s, designed to predict survival and treatment repsonse. 

High risk patients:

  • Sokal Score >1.2

  • Hasford (Euro) Score >1,480

  • EUTOS score >87

  • ELTS Score >2.2185

EUTOS Long Term Survival Score (ELTS) - new score based on TKI-treated patients.

  • Designed to predict risk of dying from CML (leukaemia-related death)

  • Online calculator

Cytogenetics may identify ‘Major Route’ Additional Chromosomal Abnormalities in Ph+ Cells (ACA), high risk examples include:

  • +8, +Ph, i(17q), +19, -7/7q-, 11q23, complex karyotypes


Response to Treatment


Optimal response associated with best long-term outcome —> achieving MMR (<0.1%) predicts a CML-specific life expectancy the same as that of the general population

But this Leukaemia 2023 paper describe outcomes in patients not meeting the ELN milestones. Although outcomes are worse, the difference is smaller than anticipated and provides some reassurance for patients not able to switch TKI (eg. due to co-morbidities).

Treatment failure can be:

  • Primary – failure to meet expected response at a given time (see table)

  • Secondary – loss of response (at any time: Loss of CHR / CCyR / MMR or CCA/Ph+)

Initial Monitoring

  • Fortnightly FBC until complete haematologic response (normal WBC), and to assess for haematological toxicity.

CML treatment response.png

N.B. rapidity of decline is also important. Branford (Blood 2014) showed patients with >10% at 3 months that have a transcript halving time of <74 days still have a good prognosis (they probably just started with a higher disease burden. Those with a halving time >74 days is a poor prognosis.


Treatment Recommendations in diagnosis at chronic phase (outside of trial)


1st line

Any of following at standard dose:

  • Imatinib 400mg OD (competes with the ATP binding site of BCR-ABL1 kinase)

  • Nilotinib 300mg BD

  • Dasatinib 100mg OD

HLA type patient and siblings if baseline warnings of high risk, major route CCA/Ph+


2nd line, intolerant to first

Alternative TKI, any of the following at standard or higher dose

  • Imatinib 400mg BD

  • Nilotinib 400mg BD

  • Dasatinib 100mg OD


2nd line, failure of first

Imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, bosutinib (500mg OD) or ponatinib (45mg OD)

Test for TKI-resistance mutations

HLA type patient and siblings, unrelated donor search, consider allograft


3rd line, failure or intolerance of first two

Allograft in all eligible patients

Asciminib 40mg BD (NICE 2022 - provided no T315I mutation)

Or any of remaining alternative TKI

At any time

If T315I mutation present use Ponatinib 45mg OD and consider allograft.



Hydroxycarbamide can be used briefly whilst awaiting confirmation of diagnosis

Interferon alpha in rare circumstance that TKI cannot be used. Also now being trialed in combo w/ TKI to ?increase proportion of patients qualifying for treatment free remission.

Cytotoxic chemotherapy never recommended in chronic phase

Busulfan not recommended


ELN guidance on Pregnancy & CML

Women who are pregnant

  • Individualised treatment

  • Stop TKI during first trimester as soon as pregnancy confirmed.

  • All TKI’s are teratogenic - hydrops fetalis known to occur with dasatinib

  • If patient in advanced disease, termination of pregnancy should be considered

  • IFN-a safe for use in pregnancy

  • Supportive care - involve obstetrics, thromboprophylaxis, leukopheresis


  • TKI’s contraindicated, low-level secretion in breast milk

Women who are planning pregnancy

  • Consider whether meet the criteria for treatment-free remission as per notes below

  • Substitution of TKI with IFN-a

  • Alternative methods for conception

Men who are planning fatherhood

  • No need to discontinue imatinib or 2nd gen TKI

  • No increased risk of congenital abnormalities in offspring

BSH guidance on Pregnancy & CML

Broad principles the same as ELN. Lots of useful additional considerations contained in the guideline, including a graphic on page 13 for planning pregnancy in women already diagnosed with CML.


Molecular or cytogenetic or both depending on local facilities


  • RQ-PCR required every 3 months until MMR (MR3.0 or better), then every 3-6 mo

  • PCR results can fluctuate up and down.

  • Consider compliance issues if transcript levels increase >5x in a single follow-up


  • CBA of at least 20 marrow metaphases at 3,6 and 12 months until CCyR, then every 12 months. Peripheral blood FISH is acceptable alternative only once CCyR achieved.


Drug details & Side Effects


Patterns of side effects vary with different TKI’s. The BSH guideline contains lots of additional information, in particular take a look at table 2 (choice of TKI base on patient’s pre-existing co-morbidities) and table VII (TKI side effects and their management).


Three categories

  • Major grade 3/4 effects occurring in first phase of treatment and require temporary cessation of drug and dose reduction. About 10% patients unable to re-start.

  • Minor grade 1/2 effects beginning early in treatment. Chronic but tolerable although negatively affect quality of life.

  • Late ‘off-target’ effects on CVS, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, immune defense, glucose and secondary malignancies


Imatinib (1st gen)

Less potent than other TKI, but overall survival is no different

Off patent since Nov 2016 – 10x cheaper!

5-year Deep Molecular Response rate 35-70%

TIDAL2 Sudy – suggests switch to 2nd gen TKI if not <10% at three months

C/I: No absolute contraindications. Observe pts with renal or cardiac impairment closely

SE: Rash, oedema, diarrhoea, cramps, joint pain, fatigue. Probably safer than the others

Dasatinib (2nd gen)

More potent than imatinib, 4-year MMR-rate approx. 75% compared to 60% imatinib

C/I: Respiratory failure, Pleuro/pulmonary/pericardial disease

SE: 3-5% cardiac, 5% Pleural effusion per year, Pul HTN, opportunistic infections (neutrophil dysfunction), platelet function defect

Nilotinib (2nd gen)

More potent than imatinib, 4-year MMR-rate approx. 75% compared to 60% imatinib

C/I: History of coronary artery disease, stroke, periph vascular disease or pancreatitis

SE: 20% cardiac (dose-related), 5% pancreatitis, hyperglycaemia

bosutinib (2nd gen)

More potent than imatinib

C/I: Nil specific

SE: 30% diarrhoea, transient transaminitis, pancreatitis

Ponatinib (3rd gen)

More potent that 2nd generation TKI’s

Indicated in T315I mutation, which is resistant to most other TKI

Dose 15-45mg daily

Option to reduce to 15mg once BCR-ABL/ABL <1%, majority will continue to respond (OPTIC 2021)

SE: 30% cardiac (likely dose-related risk)

asciminib (BCR-ABL1 STAMP inhibitor)

Approved by NICE for 3rd line use, provided no T315I mutation

ASCEMBL Trial 2021 - 233 patients w/ 2+ prior TKI. 2:1 randomised vs bosutinib

CI: Nil specific

SE: Myelosuppression, Pancreatitis (monitor amylase at start), QT prolongation, Hypertension

TKI-resistant bcr-abl1 mutations

Several resistance mutations have been identified and are indications for switching treatment to a specific TKI known to be active against the given mutation. E.g. Ponatinib for T315I mutation. See table 5 in the ELN guideline or table IV in the BSH guideline for details.

advanced phases of cml

Accelerated Phase (AP)

  • When presenting in AP: Treat as high risk and consider early allograft is response not ‘optimal’

  • When progressing to AP during treatment: Imediately consider allograft

Now rare for CML to progress to end-phase, may happen in two ways:

  • Early progression with high-risk ACA

  • Late progression with bone marrow failure and blast proliferation

Blast Phase is a late feature of progression:

  • Survival typically <1 year

  • Treatment for fit patients: Intenisve chemo +/- TKI —> prompt allograft

Note of TP53 and blast phase (all MPN’s, not just CML)

  • TP53 mutations are not uncommon in chronic phase of MPN’s

  • The high risk mutations seem to be the multi-hit and/or high copy number mutations

  • Review paper found multi-hit TP53 mutations in 0% of PV/ET, 37% MF, 81% Accel. phase and 90% of blast phase cases. (ASH 2024)

treatment-free remission (TFR)

Many patients will acheive a Deep Molecular Remission (DMR), ie MR4 and MR4.5

How many is many? 50-80% achieve MR4 at 10 years depending on the drug/study (pg 10 of guideline)

BSH Criteria for stopping TKI

Discuss case at MDT

Patient should be on a TKI for mimum 3 years, prefarably 5, and should not have

  • Prior history of advanced phase

  • Previous TKI resistance

  • Previously detected BCL-ABL1 KD mutation

Patient should have a typical BCR-ABL1 transcript (ie e13a2 or e14a2) and a MR4 response for the last 2 years

There should be access to a laboratory that can express transcripts to a sensitivity of MR4.5 and a turn around time less than 14 days.

Consider reducing TKI dose by 50% for 12 months prior to discontinuing, with monthly monitoring in that time (see DESTINY trial below)

Monitoring schedule post discontinuation can be found on page 14 of guideline.

ELN Criteria for stopping TKI

Stopping TKI.png

Discontinuation side effects

20-30% of patients report a transient polymyalgia-like syndrome occurring after stopping TKI

Monitoring off treatment

Monthly PCR for first 6 months, then 8 weekly for next 6 months

Then every 3 months after the first year


Re-start treatment at loss of MMR

Re-starting the same TKI at same dose does not prevent patients regaining deep MR (90-95% do so)

Additional data on Stopping TKI Therapy (BJH 2018)

Lots of trial data now supporting discontinuing TKI therapy

  • Generally after 3 years of treatment, with minimum of 1 year in MR4.5

  • Majority of molecular relapses occur rapidly, usually at 6-12 months

  • Loss of deep MR = 51% at 1 year, 54% at 2 years

  • Loss of MMR = 35% ay 1 year, 36% at 2 years

  • Equals a Treatment-Free Remission of 64% at 2 years


  • Largest trial so far. 821 patients on 1st line imatinib or after IFN, dasatinib or nilotinib at 1st or more line, excluding patients with prior resistance

  • Minimum 3 years Rx, with minimum 1 year in MR4

    • Trial outcome suggests best prognosis is min. 6 yrs treatment, 3yrs in MR4

  • Definition of molecular relapse was loss of MMR – 45% of patients by 18 months


  • For patients in MR4

  • Reduced dose for 12 months, and then stopped if patient had not lost MMR

  • Conclusions:

    • Reducing dose is safe (may help with SE’s)

    • If you stop after prior dose reduction, better chance of staying in MR4 (vs EUROSKI)

DASFREE 5yr update 2023

  • For patients in stable DMR after 2+ years of dasatinib.

  • 5 year treatment free remission = 44%

  • No relapses occurred after 39th month of follow-up

  • All patients who relapsed and restarted dasatinib regained MMR within 2 months

Other trials – STIM, A-STIM, TWISTER, and others