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Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) (BSH 2021(1) and BSH 2021(2))
Definition: A group of clonal bone marrow neoplasms characterise by ineffective hematopoiesis, morphological dysplasia, peripheral cytopenias and a variable risk of developing AML
4 per 100,000 per year (>30/100,000/year of >70 y.o.)
Median age at diagnosis: 75 y.o.
2:1 Male:Female
All patients should be offered a review at a regional expert centre given rarity of disease.
WHO thresholds for cytopenias:
Hb <100, Neut <1.8, Plt <100 but higher values do not exclude MDS
WHO-defined diagnosis of MDS:
Needs to be in context of persistent, unexplained cytopenia
Either morphological dysplasia in >10% of cells of a single lineage
Or myeloblasts >5 - <20%
Or clonality with a typical MDS-associated cytogenetic abnormality
CHIP (Clonal Haematopoeisis of Indeterminate potential) or ARCH (Age-related clonal haematopoeisis)
MDS-associated mutations occurring in the absence of any other clinicopathological features of MDS
Found in >10% of people >70 y.o.
<1% per year risk of transformation to haem malignancy. ??FBC monitoring
ICUS (Idiopathic Cytopenia of Undetermined Significance)
Cytopenia(s) lasting >6 months with <10% marrow dysplasia, lacking a clonal abnormality and with no other discernible cause
9% at 10 years risk of transformation to myeloid malignancy. ??How to monitor
CCUS (Clonal Cytopenia of Undetermined Significance)
Cytopenia(s) lasting >6 months with <10% marrow dysplasia, a detectable clonal abnormality which is not considered a presumptive MDS abnormality, and with no other discernible cause
High risk of eventual transformation to haem malignancy
WHO-HAEM5 Classification
MDS with defining genetic abnormalities
MDS with low blasts and isolated 5q deletion (MDS-5q). <5% BM, <2% PB blasts. 5q deletion alone, or with one other abnormality that is not monosomy 7 or 7q deletion.
MDS with low blasts and SF3B1 mutation (MDS-SF3B1). >15% ring sideroblasts can substitute for SF3B1 mutation. <5% BM and <2% PB blasts. Absence of 5q deletion, monosomy 7 or complex karyotype.
MDS with biallelic TP53 inactivation (MDS-biTP53). <20% BM or PB blasts. 2+ TP53 mutations or one mutation with TP53 copy number loss.
MDS, morphologically defined
MDS with low blasts (MDS-LB). <5% BM and <2% PB blasts
MDS, hypoplastic (MDS-h). <5% BM and <2% PB blasts. <25% BM cellularity (adjusted for age)
MDS with increased blasts
MDS-IB1: 5-9% BM or 2-4% PB
MDS-IB2: 10-19% BM or 5-19% PB or Auer rods
MDS with fibrosis (MDS-f): 5-19% BM or 2-19% PB blasts
Figure 2 on Page 8 of the BSH guideline has an excellent diagnostic flow chart for the previous (very similar) WHO 2016 MDS subtypes.
Recurrent infection
Alcohol intake
Prior chemo/radiotherapy exposure
FHx of MDS/AML or pulmonary/liver fibrosis
Social/Occupat./Environmental deficiencies or exposures to benzenes, copper, zinc, selenium, lead, B6
Dysmorphic features
Splenomegaly, bruising, bleeding, infections, skin lesions
FBC, Film, Reticulocytes, LDH, B12, Folate, Ferritin, DCT, U&E, LFT
Hep B/C, HIV
Marrow Morphology/Histology
MGG stain with assessment of 500 cells inc. 30 megakaryocytes – dysplasia should be present in at least 10% of cells of relevant lineage
Blast %
Iron stain (Prussian Blue / Perls) - >15% ring sideroblasts for MDS-RS (or >5% if SF3B1 mut. present)
Trephine - Cellularity, Fibrosis (reticulin stain)
Haematology 2018 Review Article - illustrated review of the specificity of various dysplastic marrow features for the morphological diagnosis of MDS.
Flow Cytometry
Optional - may assist in assessing myeloblast %
Abnormalities detected in approx. 50% of MDS cases
Karyotyping should be attempted on all cases, and on at least 20 metaphases if no abnormality detected
FISH can assess for selected common abnormalities - e.g. -7, del(5q), +8
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis is a further alternative
MDS-defining abnormalities in a cytopenic patient = -5, del(5q), -7, del(7q), i(17q)
(Full list of other, less common, MDS-defining abnormalities can be found in Fig 1. the guideline)
Molecular Genetics
Genetic mutations identified in 90% of cases, some with prognostic significance
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using targeted panels now widely available and should be considered for all patients
Patients should be consented for testing due to possibility of detecting germline mutations
Detection of mutations alone is not diagnostic of MDS as can occur in otherwise healthy individuals
Some specific uses
SF3B1 mutation - >95% of MDS-RS cases, favourable prognosis
TP53 mutation occuring in isolated del(5q) predicts poorer prognosis
Future trial criteria, e.g. for targeted therapies
Further Investigations to consider (i.e. exclusion of other causes)
Epo level
PNH screen
Fanconi anaemia screen
Mutational analysis if constitutional cause suspected
HLA typing of patient and siblings if transplant considered
Virology - HIV, Hep B/C/E, Parvo, CMV
Red cell extended phenotyping if chronic transfusion expected
JAK2 if MPN/MDS overlap suspected
Copper levels
IPSS-R designed for use at diagnosis & the recommended scoring system for prognosis
(but there are pragmatic considerations - the NICE approval for azacitidine is based on IPSS)
The WHO WPSS can be used at any time during the course of the disease
Assesses outcomes for untreated, primary MDS in adults
Therapy sometimes guided by IPSS (based on blast % / karyotype / No. of cytopenias) , not IPSS-R
Low risk patients = IPSS Low / Intermediate 1 (INT-1)
High risk patients = IPPS INT-2 / High
Source: Blood Ref
Score developed to factor in molecular results (NEJM 2022)
Online calculator (also calculates IPSS and IPSS-R)
Supportive Care
Transfusion-dependence predicts poorer prognosis and lower Quality of Life (QoL) scores
Irradiated products after ATG or transplant
Transfuse to correct symptomatic anaemia and improve QoL, individualised decisions to transfuse
Consider extended phenotyping for those on chronic transfusion programme
Neutropenia + Infection
GCSF in low risk disease with recurrent infections, or to support therapy (e.g. azacitidine)
Antifungal prophylaxis if receiving active treatment
Thrombocytopenia + Active bleeding
Routine prophylactic transfusion may be appropriate in recurrent bleeding
But not required in stable non-bleeding patients regardless of absolute count
TXA, esp for mucous membrane bleeding
?TPO Agonists. Current trial ongoing of eltrombopag for low/Int-1 with plt count <30
Spiritual and Emotional health needs
Rare disease, difficult to understand, many treatments, poor outlook
Involve specialist nurses, re-discuss diagnosis regularly with patient
Offer patient support groups
Low Risk MDS (IPSS Low/int-1, IPSS-R 3.5 or below)
General Approach
Discuss potentially eligible patients w/ allogeneic transplant team early after diagnosis, as early HSCT preferred
Non-transplant options include:
Supportive Care
ATG + Ciclosporin - consider in patients <60 y.o. with normal karyotype or trisomy 8
Lenalidomide - consider in 5q- and 1 or fewer other karyotypic abnormalities
Erythropoietin - add GSCF in siderolblastic variants. Stop after 16 weeks if no response
Consider iron chelation in some low risk patients with a very good prognosis – Desferrioxamine preferred due to experience of use
Eyrthopoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA)
Offer to patients with IPSS Low/Int-1 + symptomatic anaemia or Hb <100 and Nordic score is 0 or 1
Start soon after diagnosis and before established transfusion dependence
EPO-Pretar 2024: Start Epo at Hb 90-105 vs 80-90? No diff. in time to 1st transfusion
Maximum 24 week trial - 8 wks initial dose, 8 wks higher dose, 8 wks with GCSF added
EPO-alpha 30,000 units/week, rising to 60,000/week
Darbepoetin 150ug/week, rising to 300ug/week
Continue if complete or partial response achieved
Complete response: Hb >115 and transfusion independent
Partial response: Hb rise by >20 and transfusion independent but remains <115
Nordic Score: 1 point each for 2+ units RBC/month and serum EPO >500u/l
Iron Chelation
2o end organ damage from iron accumulation is the main non-leukaemic cause of death in MDS
Consider chelation for low/Int-1 risk patients after 20 units RBC or ferritin >1000 or prior to allograft
See the Iron Overview page for information on chelation drugs
(Diagnostic note: One additional cytogenetic abnormality is allowed except for chromosome 7 abnormalities, which carry a very poor prognosis. Also, MDS-IB trumps 5q- diagnosis)
Typically presents as refractory anaemia in older women with macrocytosis, thrombocytosis and non-lobulated megakaryocytes (micromegakaryocytes).
Relatively indolent natural history. Median OS 6 years in IPSS score 0 patients.
Low dose lenalidomide (5-10mg) induces a durable transfusion independency in ~60% patients within 6-8 weeks (MDS004 Study). May induce a complete cytogenetic response (CCyR).
Even during CCyR during lenalidomide therapy, morphology demonstrates persistence of non-lobated micomegakaryocytes. These patients can have a treatment holiday, and re-starting lenalidomide at relapse then still effective.
Rare presentation: Granulocytic sarcomas with 5q-. Responds well to low dose SC Ara-C.
Other Good Prognosis Cytogenetic Subtypes
SF3B1 mutation in MDS with Ring Sideroblasts (MDS-RS) and MDS/MPN with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytopenia (MDS/MPN-RS-T)
High Risk MDS (IPSS int-2/high, IPSS-r >3.5/high/very high)
General Approach
High risk patient group with median OS 0.8-1.6 years
Transplant eligible patients
Early HSCT - Consider precede by induction chemotherapy if >10% blasts or hypercellular bone marrow
Transplant ineligible patients
Offer trial where available
Intensive chemotherapy - consider if good PS, minimal co-morbidities, no high risk karytopic abnormalities. Remission rates 40-60%, lasting a median of 10-12 months.
Azacitidine - 45% transfusion independence, improve QoL and 2yr OS benefit (AZA001 study)
Other Poor Prognosis Cytogenetic Subtypes
SRSF2 mutation in MDS with Ring Sideroblasts
TP52 mutation adds poor prognosis in all MDS subtypes.
drugs in development / non-nice approved
Erythroid Maturation Agents - e.g. Luspatercept, Elritercept
Luspatercept - SC injection every 3 weeks. MEDALIST trial.
Elritercept - 30% transfusion-independence in small ph2 trial (ASH 2024). RENEW Ph3 due to open.
NLRP3 Inhibitors
Suppress the ‘inflammasome’ within MDS bone marrows
Cytidine deaminase (CDA) inhibitors - Cedazuridine
Use of oral hypomethylating agents is limited due rapid clearance by CDA
—> Combining them with CDA inhibitor may circumvent this problem
Currently at dose finding stages as of 2024 (Oral Aza + Cedazuridine, ASH 2024)
IRAK Inhibitors
Interleukin receptor-associated kinases (IRAK) have roles in downstream signalling of inflammation
Currently at dose finding stages as of 2024
BCL2 Inhibitors - Venetoclax, Lisfatoclax
Venetoclax - NICE approved for AML but not yet MDS. VERONA phase 3 trial ongoing in 2025.
Lisfatoclax - newer generation, fewer Azole interactions. GLORA-4 phase 3 opening in 2025.
N.B. Not a comprehensive list and beyond the scope of FRCPath exams. But interesting!
VEXAS Syndrome (NIH website & Blood 2021)
Incidence: 1 in 4,000 men >50yo
Acquired mutation in UBA1 gene (often included in myeloid NGS panels), on the X chromosome, which codes for E1 ubiquitin activating enzyme. Normal function of the enzyme is in regulation of proteins involved in cell division, immune responses and much more.
Causes autoinflammation (Skin, cartilage, lungs, joints, vascular) +/- bone marrow failure/MDS
VEXAS acronym:
Vacuolated myeloid and erythroid precursors on BM morphology
E1 ubiquitin activating enzyme (coded for by UBA1)
X chromosome
Somatic mutation
Treatment is evolving, currently evidence is based on case series
Reduce inflammation - Steroids, Tocilizumab
Reduce UBA1 clone - Azacitidine (Haematologica 2024), Ruxolitinib (ASH 2021)