Transfusion and Anaemia in Critically Ill Adults (BSH 2012, bsh 2025)
Anaemia is associated with poorer outcomes during ITU stays, and during recovery post-ITU discharge
Up to 25% of ITU patients receive a transfusion, usually for multifactorial anaemia
20-30% of patient admitted to ITU have an Hb <90g/l
After 7 days, 80% of ITU patients have an Hb <90g/l
ITU accounts for 10% of annual blood use
NB. The BSH 2025 paper is a confirmation of the position taken by the ESICM 2020 guidelines, rather than a new guideline in its own right.
Global oxygen delivery (DO2) is a product of cardiac output and arterial O2 concentration
Tissue hypoxia can occur as the result of a problem at any stage in the oxygen cascade – airway, pulmonary, cardiac, vascular flow etc.
Anaemia reduces oxygen carrying capacity
When tissue DO2 falls, compensatory mechanisms increase oxygen extraction up to a point
Once compensation is overwhelmed, O2 transport becomes directly proportional to O2 supply and tissue hypoxia becomes much more likely to occur.
Healthy individuals can maintain O2 supply down to a Hb of 40-50g/l
Alternatives to Red Cell Transfusion
Reduce iatrogenic blood loss
Typically approx. 40ml blood loss per day from blood sampling
Use of small bolume bottles reduces blood loss without affecting assay quality.
Critically ill patients do not produce a physiological increase in Epo production
Epo is not licensed for critically ill patient with anaemia due to no difference in patient outcomes and a concern over increased VTE risk. Not recommended.
Iron Therapy
Evidence of absolute iron deficiency is absent in most ITU patients…
…But insufficient evidence to support use of routine iron supplementation. IRONMAN 2022 found IV iron to be safe but did not reduce transfusion or length of stay.
Typical Iron profile in ITU
Serum iron – decreased
Total Iron Binding Capacity – Decreased
Ferritin – Increased
Transferrin – Decreased
Soluble Transferrin – Normal
Adverse Effects of RBC Transfusion in Critical Care
Acute respiratory distress with pulmonary oedema, tachycardia, increased BP and a positive fluid balance after blood transfusion
Onset of pulmonary oedema within 6 hours of blood transfusion, hypoxia and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on CXR.
Results from anti-neutrophil antibodies (leukoagglutinins) present in the donor plasma
RBC Storage Duration
Red cell storage process depletes 2,3 DPG, impairing oxygen release
Also depletes nitric oxide and causes membrane changes with decreased deformability, which combined limit capillary transit.
However no evidence to support need for ‘fresher’ blood in ITU patients
Transfusion Triggers
General ITU Population
Transfusion threshold = 70g/l
Liberal <100g/l trigger v.s. Restrictive <70g/l trigger
Restrictive group received 54% fewer RBC units, and 33% no blood at all
No global difference in mortality
Patients <55 y.o. and those who were less ill (APACHE <20) had lower mortality with restrictive strategy. NNT = 13.
Ischaemic Heart Disease
Acute coronary syndrome – Transfusion threshold = Hb 90-100g/l.
Evidence to support this more liberal threshold comes from MINT Trial 2023
Stable Angina – Hb >70g/l but transfusion >100g/l has uncertain benefit
Transfusion threshold = 70g/l
This is a change from the 2012 guidance, evidence in intervening years supports a restrictive threshold
Cardiac Surgery
Transfusion threshold = 75g/l
TRACS 2010 trial supports this restrictive threshold
Weaning from ventilation
Transfusion threshold = 70g/l
Specific scenarions without a specific recommendation
Acute neurological injury (a change from BSH 2012, which did make recommendations)
Elderly adults