Acute Transfusion Reactions (ATR) (bsh 2012, bsh 2023)
ATR Definition
Reactions occurring within 24 hours of administration of blood or blood component
Includes minor febrile reactions through to life-threatening anaphylaxis/haemolysis
ATR rate approx. 0.5-3% of transfusions (data reliant on haemovigilance reporting)
10yr SHOT data 2022:
1 in 7,700 transfusions risk of febrile/allergic/hypotensive reactions
1 in 57,000 transfusions risk of haemolytic reactions
1 in 310,000 transfusions risk of ABO incompatible red cell transfusion (BSH2023-OR23)
65% of reported transfusion-related deaths were due to pulmonary complications
Platelets associated with the highest rate of reported reactions
Many febrile reactions thought to result from reaction to donor white cells or accumulation of biological response modifiers during storage.
This is supported by the reduction of cases since the introduction of universal leukodepletion.
Recipient factors are also important (diagnosis, allergy history, age, physical characteristics etc)
Management Principle
Management should be guided by signs and symptoms, rather than classification
Clinical Assessment of ATR
Staff/Patient Recognition of ATR
Patients must be transfused in clinical areas where they can be directly observed, and where staff are trained in the management of transfused patients.
Recognition and early management of ATR should be part of local mandatory staff training requirements
Give patient contact card if day case and advise to call if any symptoms following transfusion (e.g. dark urine, jaundice, breathlessness).
Clinical Signs/Symptoms
Fever, chills, rigors, flushing
Itch, urticaria
Pain - muscle, bone, chest, abdomen
Hyper or hypo-tension, Tachycardia
Respiratory distress, Collapse
General malaise or nausea
Acute onset bleeding diathesis
Universal actions
Stop transfusion and maintain IV access with Saline
Assess ABC, Call for help and start resuscitation if indicated
Check patient identity against component being transfused
Examine component for clumps / discolouration
Then manage as per mild, moderate severe reaction protocols.
Mild Reactions
E.g. pyrexia <39oC + rise of 1-2oC from baseline with or without rash
Continue transfusion with appropriate treatment and direct observation.
Moderate Reactions
E.g. pyrexia >39oC or rise of >2oC and or other symptoms except for rash/itch only.
Medical review of likely cause
If consistent with underlying condition continue transfusion at slower rate under direct observation
If worsening/persistent symptoms, move to management of severe reactions
Severe Reactions
All other cases that are not mild or moderate + in keeping with underlying condition
In major haemorrhage, assess whether hypotension/tachycardia due to blood loss vs ATR
Anaphylaxis (Shock + Wheeze/Stridor/Hypotension)
Resuscitation + IM Adrenaline 0.5ml of 1:1000
Shock without anaphylaxis or fluid overload
Consider ABO incompatibility or bacterial contamination
Resuscitation + ITU and Renal Support
Correction of DIC / Coagulopathy
If ABO incompatibility due to component intended for another patient contact transfusion lab immediately to prevent a further incident.
If bacterial contamination, immediately inform lab + haematologist on-call to consider contacting blood service to withdraw associated units.
Breathlessness without shock
—> Retain the blood unit, Report to transfusion lab, Perform Ix as below, report to SHOT+MHRA
Laboratory Investigation of ATR
Standard Ix for All Patients
Moderate-Severe Febrile Reactions
Implicated unit returned to transfusion lab for repeat compatibility testing
Haptoglobin, LDH, G&S, DAT, Coag screen, Blood cultures
Urine assessment for haemoglobin
Contact Blood Service
Moderate-Severe Allergic Reactions
Measure IgA level
Isolated low IgA level —> confirmatory testing and IgA antibody detection
Discuss IgA deficiency with immunologist
Listen to this podcast with Blood Bank Guy for detailed discussion of limitations in testing for and diagnosing IgA-related anaphylactic transfusion reactions.
Management of Repeated Reactions
Recurrent febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR)
Plasma removal (‘Washed units’) was beneficial prior to universal leukodepletion
Trial of pre-med paracetamol or NSAIDs, but evidence is weak
Trial of washed blood components if continues to react
Do NOT use pre-med steroids
Recurrent Allergic Reactions
Mild reactions can be managed with slower rate of transfusion +/- antihistamine
Mod-Severe reactions: Consider SD-FFP and pooled platelets (suspended in PAS) +/- antihistamine
There is NO evidence to support pre-med steroids
Severe IgA Deficiency with Anti-IgA Antibodies and history of Allergic Transfusion Reaction
Discuss with transfusion specialist, options may include IgA-deficient donors and washed units.
Patient incidentally identified as IgA deficient
Serious reactions are still very rare in this group
If no history of reactions, should receive standard transfusion with higher frequency monitoring
Hypotensive Reactions
Washed components can be tried in cases of unexplained recurrent hypotensive episodes
ACEI should be stopped if thought due to bradykinin-release
Reporting ATR
Legal requirement to report to MHRA
(BSQR 2005 is the UK law regulating transfusion practice)
Professional responsibility to report to SHOT haemovigilance scheme
(also a lab accreditation and hospital quality assurance scheme requirement).
Reporting to NHSBT will protect other potential recipient of associated blood components.
Local reporting to Hospital Transfusion Team will aid in the above and allow for local intervention and audit.