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Multiple Myeloma (BSH 2017, BSH 2021)




Table - IMWG 2014 Diagnostic Criteria

Table - IMWG 2014 Diagnostic Criteria. See below for comments on SLiM criteria.

Frequency of presenting features in newly diagnosed myeloma (2016 Yong et al)

  • 61% bone pain, 39% anaemia, 21% vertebral fracture, 20% renal dysfunction, 19% hypercalcaemia, 9% other fracture, 7% incidental diagnosis, 3% infections, 1% spinal cord compression.

  • 9% prev. known MGUS, 7% prev. known smouldering myeloma

Screening Tests

  • FBC, U&E, Calcium

  • Immunoglobulins + Serum electrophoresis (i.e. M-band = M-protein = paraprotein)

  • Serum free light chains (has largely replaced urine bence jones protein (BJP)

  • Urine ACR + Troponin + ProBNP (screening for amyloid)

Diagnostic Tests

  • Bone marrow aspirate + trephine

  • Immunofixation of serum

  • Imaging (BSH 2024):

    • Whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) & PET-CT provide info about medullary disease and myeloma activity.

    • Low-dose CT Skeletal Survey (CTSS) only records cortical damage that has already occurred.

    • —> MRI or PET-CT recommended over CTSS, however resource limitations prevent take up.

Prognostic Tests

  • B-2-microglobulin, LDH, Albumin

  • Peripheral blood plasma cell count (>5% = Plasma cell leukaemia, as of Dec 2021)

  • FISH (see below)

  • Other genetic mutations - CCND1, ATM, TP53

Myeloma-Defining Events

This used to mean CRAB (Calcium, Renal, Anaemia, Bone), but the SLiM biomarkers were added in 2014, as thought to indicate an ~80% risk of progression to symptomatic myeloma within 2 yrs, based on:

  • BM PC >60% - NEJM 2011 - Retrospective review. 650 patients. 21 pts had >60%, and 95% of these progressed within 2 years. Confirmed in subsequent smaller studies.

  • LC Ratio >100 - Blood 2008 - Retrospective review. 270 pts in 1970-1995. 72% risk of progression in 2 yrs if ratio >100. BUT, since IMWG 2014, a 2021 paper contradicts this. Blood 2021 retrospective review. 800 pts in 2000-2020. 13-36% risk of progression at 2 years (13 v 36% depended on urinary light chain quantification). Discrepancy suggested to be due to lack of modern imaging techniques in 2008 study misclassifying patients as asymptomatic. Time to remove LC ratio from SLiM?

  • 2+ MRI lesions - JCO 2010 - whole body MRI of 149 pts with smouldering myeloma. Those with >1 focal lesion had 70% risk of progression at 2 yrs.

Only renal failure due to LC cast nephropathy is a myeloma-defining event - this is suggested by SFLC >500mg/l. If <500mg/l, consider renal biopsy to prove cause of renal impairment.

Hyperviscosity, amyloidosis and recurrent bacterial infections are no longer myeloma-defining events.

Causes of Renal Failure in Myeloma


1. Light Chains:

Distal tubules - Light chain cast deposition —> obstruction

Proximal tubules - Direct toxic effect of light chains

Glomeruli – immunoglobulin deposition —> non-selective proteinuria and nephropathy

Aggravating factors that promote light chain precipitation – dehydration, hypercalcaemia, acidosis, drugs (cyclophosphamide, Abx, NSAIDs, furosemide)


2. Hypercalcaemia

Causes vasoconstriction —> enhances diuresis —> hypovolaemia and pre-renal kidney injury —> then becomes concentrated urine and reduced urine flow —> increases cast formation.


Prognostic Cytogenetics (BSH2021 + BSH2024)

myeloma cyto 2021.JPG

What defines high risk?

  • UK (BSH), US (mSMART), International (IMWG) and European guidelines broadly agree but there is variation in the detail

  • Definition of high risk = An estimated OS of <3 years (<2yrs if not transplant eligible)

  • Definition of ultra-high risk = An estimated OS of <2 years (Alt: 2+ high risk cytogenetic abnormalities)

Frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities

Majority (>95%) of myeloma patients have a detectable cytogenetic abnormality

Frequency of particular abnormalities

  • 50% Hyperdiploidy

  • 40% 1q Gain (Prognosis gets poorer with increasing copy numbers of 1q)

  • 15% t(4;14)

  • 15% t(11;14)

  • 10% del(17p)

  • 2-3% t(14;16)

  • 1% t(14;20)

Other Cytogenetics Notes

  • The poor risk of t(14;16) may be partly overcome by use of bortezomib-based therapy

  • The risk of t(11;14) may be higher than previously thought, but may also be a biomarker for predicting response to venetoclax (BCL2 inhibitor)

  • If patients achieve MRD-negativity (by flow) —> 3-yr PFS similar regardless of cytogenetic risk group

Gene Expression Profiling (GEP)?

  • Not currently routinely available but recommended that all transplant-eligible patients should have RNA stored from diagnostic marrow samples for potential future testing

International Staging System (ISS) 2005


Stage 1 – B2M <3.5 mg/dL + Albumin ≥35 g/l

Stage 2 – Neither Stage I or III

Stage 3 – B2M ≥5.5mg/liss calc

Revised International Staging System (R-ISS) 2015


Stage I - ISS 1 + Standard risk cytogenetics + normal LDH (5-yr OS 82%)

Stage II - Neither Stage I or II (5-yr OS 62%)

Stage III - ISS 3 + high risk cytogenetics + high LDH (5-yr OS 40%)

second revision of the ISS (R2-ISS) 2022

Six Factors

ISS Stage II (1 pt), ISS Stage III (1.5 pts), del(17p) (1 pt), high LDH (1 pt), t(4:14) (1 pt), 1q gain (0.5 pt)


  • 0 = Low - 5yr OS 88%

  • 0.5-1.0 = Low-intermediate - 5yr OS 75%

  • 1.5-2.5 = Intermediate-High - 5yr OS 56%

  • 3-5 = High - 5yr OS 37%


To note:

  • The 2021 guideline has comprehensive tables of outcomes for many different regimens

  • Treatment options in myeloma are changing frequently as new drugs become available / NHS funding and NICE appraisals make them available for us. This section last reviewed: Sept 2023.

transplant eligible first line Therapy

Standard Upfront (2023):

  • DVTD --> Autograft —> DVTD consolidation —> Lenalidomide maintenance

  • (or clinical trial)


  • Daratunumab-VTD. Approved by NICE Jan 2022

  • First quadruplet approved in UK

  • 4 cycles —> Autograft —> 2 cycles consolidation

  • CASSIOPEIA 2019 - 1000 pts, DVTD vs VTD, 39% vs 26% CR at 100 days post autograft

Maintenance post-autograft


High Risk / Ultra High Risk / Plasma Cell Leukaemia (BSH 2024)

  • N.B. BSH 2024 guideline makes several recommendations that are not currently NICE approved

  • IMWG definition of PCL is >5% PC in peripheral blood as counted by microscopy (IMWG 2021)

  • Treatment should not be delayed waiting for molecular results. Instead, pathways should allow later treatment amendments as results become available.

  • Offer clinical trial

  • Preferred Rx for HRMM would be as per OPTIMUM, CONCEPT, IFM2018-04 or EMN12

  • Preferred Rx for PCL would be as per OPTIMUM or EMN12

  • Preferred subsequent lines of Rx would be based on refractoriness, not ‘n’ lines of therapy

  • Where preferred treatment is not accessible (all of UK as of 2024), options include:

    • (V)DT-PACE, tandem autografts, post-auto consolidation, allograft

Non-transplant eligible first line Therapy

Typical Options (2023):

Steroid dosing?

  • Move to reduce steroids (‘Down with Dex’ social media campaign) but no formal guidance yet

  • IFM 2017-03 (see below) showed Dex can be omitted after 1st 2 cycles from DRD with good outcomes

  • Planned randomisations for future trials (as of 2024)


After 1 previous treatment

  • Daratumumab/Bortez/Dex (DVD) only if 1 previous treatment that did include lenalidomide or lenalidomide is unsuitable as a second line treatment (updated NICE 2023)

  • Carfilzomib/Len/Dex (KRd) only if 1 previous treatment that did include bortezomib (NICE 2021)

  • Carfilzomib/Dex (Kd) only if 1 previous treatment (NICE 2020)

  • Lenalidomide/Dex (Rd) only if 1 previous treatment that did include bortezomib (NICE 2019)

  • Selinexor/Bortezomib/Dex only if 1 prev. treatment and now refractory to both dara + len (NICE 2024)

After 2+ previous treatments

  • Ixaz/Len/Dex only if 2 or 3 previous treatments (updated NICE 2023)

  • Panobinostat/Bortez/Dex only if at least 2 prev. treaments, that did include an IMiD & bortez (NICE 2016)

  • Selinexor/Bortezomib/Dex only if 2 prev. treatments and now refractory to lenalidomide (NICE 2024)

After 3+ previous treatments

  • Elranatamab only if already received IMID, PI + Anti-CD38 (NICE 2024)

  • Teclistamab only if already received IMID, PI + Anti-CD38 (NICE 2024)

  • Ixazomib/Len/Dex only if 2 or 3 previous treatments (updated NICE 2023)

  • Daratumumab monotherapy only after 3 previous treatements, that did include an IMID and a proteomsome inhibitor (NICE 2022)

  • Isatuximab/Pomalidomide/Dex only if 3 previous treatments, that did include lenalidomide and a proteosome inhibitor (ICARIA-MM trial, NICE Nov 2020)

  • Pomalidomide/Dex only if 3 prev. treatments, that did include lenalidomide and bortezomib (NICE 2017)

  • Panobinostat/Bortez/Dex only if at least 2 prev. treaments, that did include an IMiD & bortez (NICE 2016)

After 4+ previous treatments

  • Selinexor/Dex only if 4 prev. treatments and refractory to 2x PI + 2x IMID + 1x Anti-CD38 (NICE 2024)

  • Trial options, e.g. CAR-T, Bi-specific antibodies

  • Compassionate access schemes for new / non-NICE approved drugs (see below)

  • Melphalan/Pred

  • Re-treatment

2nd Autograft?

  • Variable practice - Consider for patients with long remissions lasting >1yr following 1st transplant.

Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant?

  • High TRM and morbidity. Long-term (10yr) comparisons with autograft fail to show a benefit to allograft in myeloma. There may individual patient exceptions, consider discussion with transplant centres.

Drug mechanisms of action / notes


  • Most commonly dexamethasone. Trials underway to assess omitting dex early in treatment cycles

Proteosome Inhibitors

  • Bortezomib, Carfilzomib, Ixazomib

Immunomodulatory Drugs

  • Thalidomide, Lenalidomide, Pomalidomide

Anti-C38 Monoclonal Antibodies

  • Daratumumab, Isatuximab

Bispecific Antibodies

  • Elranatamab (CD3xBCMA), Teclistamab (CD3xBCMA), Talquetamab (CD3xGPRC5D)

  • NICE approved elranatamab + teclistamab in 2024, decision on talquetamab awaited (as of june 2024)

  • Side effects include Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and Neurotoxicity (ICANS), though less severe than with CAR-T therapy. Risk of CRS increases with plt count <50, extramedullary disease and penta-refractory disease.

  • Severe hypogammaglobulinaemia commonly seen. Upfront IVIg prophylaxis may become approved nationally (awaited as of early 2025)

XPO1 Inhibitors

  • Selinexor

  • XPO1 inhibition —> activates tumour suppression proteins. See BOSTON trial below.

Antibody-Drug Conjugates

  • Belantamab mafodotin

  • Anti-BCMA (CD269) antibody conjugated with a cytoxic agent. Severe, frequent occular toxicities limited its initial use. Subsequent trials with lower dose show more promise (DREAMM-7)

  • NICE decision as 2nd line therapy (BVd) awaited as of Jan 2025

HDAC Inhibitors

  • Panobinostat

  • Inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) —> promotes cell death

Emerging and/or Non-NICE approved Therapies

BCL2 Inhibitors

  • e.g. Venetoclax – Phase 3 CANOVA trial completed, Ven vs Pom-Dex for t(11;14) myeloma. Did not meet primary end point but publication awaited (as of Jan 2025)

CAR-T Cell therapy

  • e.g. Anti-BCMA

  • Useful 2021 review article. Many trials, e.g.

    • CARTITUDE-4: Cilta-Cel vs Pom-Vel-Dex in lenalidomide-refractory patients. At 30mo follow-up, Median PFS not yet reached for Cilta-Cel vs 11mo for control arm.

    • IMMagine 1: Phase 2 trial of an newer product, Anito-Cel, in triple-exposed patients

Cereblon E3 Ligase Modulators

  • e.g. Mezigdomide, Iberdomide

  • MOA: Cause degradation of key proteins, such as transcription factors required for cell development/differention —> cytotoxic to myeloma cells.

  • Phase 3 trials currently in process (Feb 2025)

Anti-SLAM7 Monoclonal antibodies

  • Elotuzumab

  • Eloquent 2 study combined elotuzumab with Len/Dex.

  • GMMG-HD6 2024: lenalidomide, bortezomib, dex (RVd) with or without elotuzumab prior to autograft in >500 newly diagnosed patients. No difference in 3-yr PFS. Negative trial.

Anti-PD1 Monoclonal antibodies

  • Pembrolizumab – synergistic with IMiDs



General Points

Outcomes in myeloma have improved with each passing decade

  • —> By its nature, currently published data may not apply to a newly diagnosed patient today.

  • The hope and expectation is that newly diagnosed patients will exceed current statistics.

Outcomes affect by many factors, e.g.

  • Disease biology, e.g. cytogenetics

  • Severity of complications at diagnosis, e.g. renal failure, spinal cord compression

  • Fitness to receive treatment / intensity of treatment

  • Depth of response to treatment, MRD-, CR, VGPR etc

Cancer Research UK Stats (as of 2024)

10yr OS for patients diagnosed in 2013-2017

  • All patients = 29%

  • <54yo at diagnosis = 55%

  • >75 yo at diagnosis = 14%

Real-World Outcomes in 1st line Myeloma Treatment, Richter et al 2023

6000 patients treated in USA between 2011 and 2022 —> treatment was largely with combinations including both a proteasome inhibitor + an IMID (Bortez/Len/Dex). ~20% underwent an autograft.

Time to progression (from start of treatment)

  • 52mo (autograft)

  • 20mo (no autograft)

Median Overall survival

  • Not reached (autograft)

  • 50 months (no autograft)

N.B. This difference is of course not due solely to the autograft, rather a reflection of underlying patient fitness.

Real-World Outcomes in Myeloma, Yong et al 2016

5000 patients treated in European countries in the years leading up to 2014 —> 1st line treatment was largely bortezomib-based triplets (VMP, VTD, VCD)

Treatment-free interval

  • Median treatment-free interval post 1st line treatment = 10 months (16mo with Auto, 7mo without)

Proportion of patients reaching each line of treatment

  • 95% 1st line, 61% 2nd line, 38% 3rd line, 15% 4th line, 1% 5th line

Time to progression (from start of a line of treatment)

  • Differs depending on degree of response

  • Medians: 18mo 1st line, 13mo 2nd line, 7mo 3rd line, 5mo 4th line

Prognosis in UK Myeloma Trials by Decade

Data from UK Myeloma trials shows improving 7-yr OS rates:

  • 1980-1990: 10%

  • 1993-2000: 33%

  • 2033-2007: 42%

  • 2009-2013: 55%

  • 2013-2016: 63%

extra Trial notes (chronological)

DREAMM-7 2024

Phase 3, 500 patients, Belantamab-Vel-Dex (BVd) vs Dara-Vel-Dex (DVd)

For patients with progression after at least one line of therapy

Median PFS: 36mo vs 13mo

18mo OS: 84% vs 73%


Phase 3, 700 patients, transplant-eligible

DVRD vs VRD —> Auto —> Consolidation —> Maintenance (DR vs R)

Large PFS advantage for DVRD, 48 month PFS 84% vs 67%

MASTER Trial 2023

Phase 2. 120 patients. Newly diagnosed, PS 0-2, transplant elegible.

4x Dara-KRd —> Autograft —> 2x Dara-KRd —> Len maintenance

But MRD adapted so treatment stopped if gained MRD negativity —> move to surveillance.

81% reached MRD negativity, some prior to autograft.

2-yr PFS from time of treatment cessation was 9% for pts with 0 or 1 high risk cytogenetic abnorm. (HRCA)

Myeloma XIV FiTNEss (ASH 2024, full publication awaited as of Jan 2025)

Transplant ineligible, older, newly diagnosed patients. Median age 76yo, with 30% over 80yo

IRD followed by Len vs Len+Ixa maintenance.

Compared Toxicity-Adjusted (‘Reactive’) vs Frailty-Adjusted (‘Adaptive’) dosing regimens.

1o End point = early treatment cessation —> No difference

1yr EFS & OS advantage with Adaptive dosing.

Myeloma XII Trial (ACCoRD) - Results pending (as of sept 2023)

Recruitment now closed (2023), results pending, three questions:

  • 1. Ixazomib / Thal /Dex (ITD)  v.s. VTD

  • 2. Autograft vs Autograft + Ixazomib

  • 3. ITDx2 consolidation   vs Ixazomib maintenance

BOSTON Trial (2020)

Selinexor/Bortez/Dex vs Bortez/Dex for patients treated with 1-3 previous lines of treatment

400 patients

In 2nd line, PFS better with selinexor (21mo va 11mo) but no difference in OS

In 3rd line, no difference in PFS or OS

MAIA 2019

DRD vs Rd for newly diagnosed, transplant ineligible patients. 740 patients.

30 month PFS 71% vs 56%, median OS not yet reached for either arm

56 month median PFS not reached for DRD, vs 34 months for Rd. Median OS not reached (Lancet 2021 f/up).

Myeloma XI Trial ~2019

High intensity Arm

  • Carfilzomib/Cyclo/Len/Dex (KCRD) v.s. Cyclo/Len/Dex (CRD) vs CTD

  • CTD & CRD get VCD if poor response

  • Followed by Autograft

  • Randomised to maintenance or no maintenance

 Low intensity Arm

  • Cyclo/Len/Dex (CRD) vs CTD

  • VCD if poor response

  • Randomised to Len maintenance, Len/Vorinostat maintenance or no maintenance

1st Line High Intensity Results

  • Significantly improved PFS and PFS2 with KRCD

  • KCRD higher rates of VGPR or better, and higher rate of MRD negativity (77%) post autograft

Maintenance Arm Results

  •  1900 patients, randomised Len vs No Len. Median PFS 39 vs 20 months. 3yr OS 78.6 vs 75.8%.

Subsequent analysis of early relapse patients

  • 14% of patients progressed within 12 months. This group has a 3-yr OS 28% compared to 53% for those with remission >12 months.

  • More likely to be in early relapse group if any of the following at diagnosis: Lambda LC, higher marrow PC %, anaemia or stage 3 ISS.

  • 33% of early relapse group had 1 high risk genetic abnormality, 31% ³2.

  • i.e. 1/3 had standard risk genetics à more to be learnt about risk assessment.


Tourmaline-MM3 2018

Phase 3, placebo controlled. >650 patients.

Ixazomib maintenance vs placebo post-autograft. 2 years treatment then stop.

39% improvement in PFS, 6 month increase in PFS. Also of benefit in MRD-neg patients.

No OS data yet

IFM 2017-03 Trial

Phase 3, Dara-Len (‘DR’, no dex after cycle 2!) vs Len-Low Dex (Rd)

Frail patients only. Median age 81 yo

Median PFS: DR 48mo vs Rd 21mo

4yr OS: DR 68%, Rd 48%

Real-World Outcomes in Myeloma, Yong et al 2016

Real-world outcomes for 5000 patients treated in European countries

Patient’s charts reviewed in 2014 —> 1st line treatment was largely bortezomib-based triplets (VMP, VTD, VCD) and others (Bortez/Dex, CTD, MPT, PAD)

Nevertheless, paper is stuffed full of useful data!

For pts diagnosed in 2013/2014, frequency of presenting symptoms

  • 61% bone pain, 39% anaemia, 21% vertebral fracture, 20% renal dysfunction, 19% hypercalcaemia, 9% other fracture, 7% incidental diagnosis, 3% infections, 1% spinal cord compression.

  • 9% prev known MGUS, 7% prev known smouldering myeloma

Treatment-free interval

  • Median treatment-free interval post 1st line treatment = 10 months (16mo with Auto, 7mo without)

Proportion of patients reaching each line of treatment

  • 95% 1st line, 61% 2nd line, 38% 3rd line, 15% 4th line, 1% 5th line

Time to progression (from start of a line of treatment)

  • Differs depending on degree of response

  • Medians: 18mo 1st line, 13mo 2nd line, 7mo 3rd line, 5mo 4th line

Tourmaline-MM1 Trial 2016

Ixazomib/Lenalidomide/Dex vs Placebo/Len/Dex

722 R/R patients with 1-3 prior lines of therapy

Improved PFS, 20 months vs 14 months

Median overall survival not reached, i.e. survival benefit not demonstrated yet

SE: Thrombocytopenia, rash, diarrhoea

CDF approved Jan 2018 as 3rd or 4th line treatment, provided not refractory to Bortez

Evidence for Bortezomib

  • APEX trial – Bortez monotherapy v Dex monotherapy in relapsed disease

  • VISTA trial – VMP vs MP tested. 44% reversal of renal dysfunction. Prolongs OS.