Warfarin: 35-45 hours
(Acenocoumarol 10 hours, Phenindione 8 hours)
Bleeding requiring hospital admission (% per year):
Aspirin 2.6%
Warfarin 4.3%
Clopidogrel 4.6%
Warfarin + Aspirin 5.1%
Warfarin + Clopidogrel 12.3%
All 3 taken together 12%
Genetic effects on Warfarin
CYP2C9 mutation: Increases warfarin half-life and leads to over-anticoagulation
VKORC1 gene: Decreases warfarin requirements and leads to over-anticoagulation
Target INR
Management of High INR
Major Bleeding PCC + 5mg Vit K IV
Non-Major Bleeding 1-3mg Vit K IV & investigate source of bleeding
INR >8 not bleeding 1-5mg Vit K PO
INR 5-8, not bleeding Withold 2 doses and reduce maintenance dose
What constitutes poor INR Control?
Any one of:
Two INR values <1.5 in last 6 months
Two INR values >5, or One INR Value >8 in the last 6 months
Time in Therapeutic Range (TTR) less than 65%
CYP450 Drugs
Warfarin Teratogenicity (FWS)
Osteocalcin carboxylation for bone formation is a vitamin K dependent process
Warfarin has low molecular weight —> easy transfer across the placenta —> foetus more anticoagulated than the mother due to immature foetal liver enzymes
Discontinuing warfarin for pregnancy
Take pregnancy test at first day of missed period, with goal of stopping warfarin prior to 6 weeks.
First Trimester - Foetal Warfarin Syndrome (FWS)
Occurs following warfarin exposure during gestational weeks 6-12
Affects ~10% of foetuses exposed. Possible dose-response relationship.
6% congenital abnormalities
Nasal hypoplasia —> neonatal respiratory distress
Stipling of vertebrae & epiphyses —> hypoplasia of extremities
Second and third trimester risks
Risk of foetal, placental and neonatal haemorrhage
Other reported adverse outcomes from warfarin use in pregnancy
CNS – microcephaly, hydrocephalus, Dandy-Walker malformation
Eyes – blindness
Still birth, neonatal death, premature delivery
Others – scoliosis, developmental delay, deafness, CHD, seizures
Warfarin is safe in breast feeding
Warfarin & Anti-platelets
Already on anti-platelet and need to start warfarin
If on single anti-platelet <12 months after ACS should continue (consider using aspirin >clopidogrel)
If on DAPT, discuss with cardiology ?shorter duration
If on anti-platelet for 1o prophylaxis, PVD, prev stroke or stable IHD then stop the anti-platelet
Already on warfarin and need to start anti-platelets
If requires coronary stent, consider using bare metal stent
If PCI not required, give DAPT for 4 weeks then stop cloidogrel
Review the indication for warfarin and assess risk/benefit
Perioperative Management
Elective surgery
Stop 5 days prior to surgery, check INR day -1, give vit k if INR >1.5, check INR day of surgery
Restart at normal dose, or 2 days of double dose, on the evening of surgery
Meta-analysis found increased bleeding rate with no reduction in thrombotic risk.
However, consider if:
<3 months since VTE and surgery cannot be delayed
High risk VTE patient – e.g. prev VTE whilst on anticoagulation
Mechanical heart valves except bileaflet aortic
<3 months since stroke/TIA
History of stroke/TIA plus 3 of: CCF, uncontrolled HTN, >75yo, Diabetes
Post-op - Use prophylactic dose, restart bridging at 48 hours.
Patient Self-Test and Self-Management
Available devices – CoaguCheck, Protime, INRatio
Quality Assurance
Internal QA – electronic, on-board (control integrated onto test strip), liquid control with INR of 2-4
External QA – every 6 months, test same sample on patient device and anticoag clinic equipment
Clinical outcomes – Reduced mortality and VTE. Unchanged bleeding rate. Trial included 99 patients >85 y.o.
Patient selection – Motivated patient expected to need AC for >1 year and successfully competes training.
Training consists of Theory and Practical aspects.
Unfractionated Heparin (UFH)
Note: Heparins are derived from porcine or bovine intestine.
Mechanism of Action:
Approx. 1/3 of heparin molecules carry a high affinity polysaccharide that binds to Antithrombin (AT).
High Molecular Weight (HMW) Heparin-AT complexes then bind to thrombin (Why only the HMW chains? Because the heparin chain must be of sufficient length (molecular weight) to bridge between AT and thrombin).
Heparin-AT-Thrombin complex inactivates thrombin, preventing fibrin formation and inhibiting thrombin-induced activation of platelets, FV and FVIII.
Non-complexed heparin molecules and Heparin-AT complexes of any molecular weight can inhibit free FXa.
Half-life: 1-2 hours (Variable due to binding to other positively charged plasma proteins & surfaces)
Molecular weight: 3,000 – 30,000 Da
Xa:IIa activity ratio: 1
Drug monitoring:
Anti-FXa - 0.3-.07iu/ml is typical therapeutic range - overall preferable to APTT ratio but not often not available 24/7 outside tertiary centres.
APTT Ratio - Only use if pre-treatment APTT is normal. Many significant analytical variables such as reagents used, acquired AT deficiency, acquired elevated FVIII and fibrinogen.
Emergency reversal:
Protamine sulphate
Dose: 1mg neutralizes 80-100 units of heparin, given IV over 5 minutes. Max dose 50mg.
Calculate dose based on previous 2 hours exposure. E.g. IV UFH 1250u/hour —> Give 25mg protamine
Short half-life, repeat doses may be required
Forms a stable, inactive salt with the heparin
Derived from fish sperm --> SE: Anaphylaxis. Risk increases with repeat exposure, rapid admin, and vasectomy
When to consider monitoring levels of fixed dose, non-vka anticoagulants
Renal impairment
When take interacting drug
Extremes of weight (<50 or >120 kg)
Spontaneous or traumatic haemorrhage
Following overdose or to assess compliance
Prior to emergency surgery, neuroaxial anaesthesia and elective surgery
GI disorders that may affect drug absorption
Use of non-standard doses
High risk pregnancy, such as presence of mechanical heart valve
Bridging from one AC to another
Trough levels for accumulation in the very elderly
Low Molecular Weight Heparin & Heparinoids
low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
Half-life: 3-5 hours
Peak effect: 3-4 hours after administration
Excretion: Renal
Molecular weight: 1,000 – 10,000 Da (Mean: 5000)
Xa:IIa activity ratio: 2.5 – 4 (depending on preparation)
Mechanism of Action:
Produced from heparin by chemical or enzyme depolymerisation --> fragments approx. 1/3 the size of heparin
Results in reduced ability to bind thrombin for reasons given above
Reduced binding to other plasma proteins
Drug Monitoring
Anti-FXa activity correlates poorly with risk of bleeding/thrombosis and not shown to improve clinical outcomes
Consider monitoring for scenarios listed above
If performed, expected therapeutic Anti-FXa levels:
4-6 hour peak = 0.5-1.0 iu/ml.
Pre-dose trough = <0.3 iu/ml
Benefits Vs UFH:
More predictable dose-response relationship
Longer half-life
Reduced risk of HIT
Emergency reversal
Protamine reverse 60% of LMWH in healthy vounteers
Give only if last LMWH dose within 8 hours of bleeding event
Dose: 1mg per 100 Anti-Xa units of LMWH. Repeat dose with 0.5mg per 100 units if required.
Consider rFVIIa if life-threatening bleeding despite the above and timeframe consistent with ongoing LMWH effect
Half-life: 17-21 hours
Mechanism of action: Synthetic pentasaccharide, Xa inhibitor
Reversal: rFVIIa in life-threatening bleeding (causes partial correction in healthy volunteers
Drug Monitoring:
Coag assay: Fondaparinux Anti-FXa
Therapeutic ranges not established but mean levels as follows:
2.5mg daily —> 3hr post dose peak = 0.4-0.5mg/l
7.5mg daily —> 3hr post dose peak = 1.2 - 1.26mg/l
Mechanism of action: IV/SC Heparinoid, derived from a different fraction of porcine bioproducts
Half-life: 25 hours (Xa), 7 hours (Thrombin)
Excretion: Renal
Xa:IIa activity ratio: 20
Reversal: Plasmapheresis will remove danaparoid from circulation.
doac vs vka
DOAC Limitations
Short half-life and lack of monitoring —> potential compliance issues
Limited lab assessment in emergencies
Limited used in chronic renal impairment
Warfarin still best for:
Mechanical Heart valves
Mitral Stenosis
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Long-term stable INR and patient choice
Poor renal function
History of GI bleed
Questionable compliance
Drug interactions that prevent use of DOAC
AC in ‘Non-Valvular’ AF (2017, 2016)
DOAC trials varied in how broad their definition of NVAF was in the exclusion criteria
Native valve disease
CHA2DS2VASc score 2 or more, plus aortic valve disease, tricuspid disease or MR
Can be considered for a DOAC
Moderate to severe mitral stenosis
Continue to use VKA only
Can be considered for DOAC after the third month since implantation (ESC)
(N.B. for TAVI patients without AF, dual antiplatelets are used, not AC. Trials underway for DOACs)
Mechanical prostheses
Continue to use VKA only
direct thrombin inhibitors
Half-life: 12-17 hours
Excretion: 80% Renal, 20% Hepatobiliary
Dose: 150mg BD (110mg BD if age >80 or >75 plus high bleeding risk)
Mechanism of action:
Pro-drug --> absorption is pH sensitive --> reduced absorption with use of PPI
Reversible, high affinity binding to thrombin
Direct Thrombin Inhibitor is a reference to heparin, i.e. anticoagulant effect is independent of antithrombin
Effect on Routine Coagulation Assays:
PT normal in 30% of patients
APTT usually prolonged – rate of prolongation flattens out as drug concentration increases —> insensitive
TT - very sensitive – at high concentration will be prolonged beyond a detectable time. If the TT is normal, patient is not taking dabigatran.
FGN - may show spurious marked underestimation if reagents contain low levels of thrombin.
Factor assays underestimated in presence of dabigatran if clot-based assays used.
DRVVT false positives occur
Drug monitoring:
Dilute TT (e.g.Haemclot) – a modified TT assay designed for dabigatran monitoring
ECT/ECA – directly assays thrombin activity in plasma —> linear dose-response to therapeutic doses of dabigatran
Chromogenic Anti-IIa assay also available
Expected Drug levels:
For 150mg BD, expected peak = 0.184mg/l and trough = 0.09mg/l
Perioperative table
Re-start at full dose 6-12 hours after minor procedure, or 48-72 hours after major surgery.
Drug Interactions:
P-gp pathway affects absorption of the exetilate pro-drug
Inhibitors increase plasma drug concentrations
Azoles, amiodarone, diltiazem, tacrolimus
Inducers reduce plasma drug concentrations
Rifampicin, St Johns Wort, Carbamazepine
Activated charcoal if last dose within 2 hours prevents further absorption
Drug levels to guide need for emergency drug reversal
>50ng/ml may justify use of reversal agent
<30ng/ml is considered safe for patients requiring urgent surgery or thrombolysis for stroke
Or if not available, a normal thrombin time excludes the presence of dabigatran.
Monoclonal antibody fragment. Rapid clearance. Licensed 2016.
Dose: 5g, given as 2x 2.5g bolus infusions within 15 minutes of each other.
Trials (“RE-“ studies)
VTE 2o prevention: RE-SOLVE & RE-MEDY
VTE LT 2o prevention: RE-SONATE
THR prophylaxis: RE-NOVATE
Half-life: 50 minutes
Excretion: Rapid hepatic clearance via CYP450 3A4 enzyme
IV infusion, licensed for treatment of HIT
Drug Monitoring
Monitor with dilute TT, ECT, ECA or Anti-FIIa
If above not available, use APTT ratio (aim 1.5 – 3.0), 2 hrs after initiation.
Natural peptide from Hirudo medicinalis (medical leech)
10% of patients develop anti-hirudin antibodies à actually increases half-life
Therapeutic drug concentration: 0.5-2.5 microg/ml
Monitoring: APTT, ECT, TT, ELISA, Chromogenic, Haemolclot
Half-life: 1.3 hours
Continuous IV/SC infusion
Recombinant hirudin
Half-life: 25 minutes
Short, synthetic peptide. Binds to circulating and clot-bound thrombin
Reversible as thrombin slowly cleaves the drug (accounts for 80% of drug clearance. 20% renal)
Monitor with ACT during cardiac surgery
Factor Xa Inhibitors
Effect of Routine Coagulation Assays:
PT usually more prolonged than APTT (Rivarox > Apix) but both may be normal
Monitor with product-specific Anti-Xa chromogenic assay
TT, FGN and D-dimer unaffected
DRVVT false positives
Drug Interactions:
CYP3A4 and P-gp inhibitors both increase rivaroxaban concentrations
Ketaconazole, Ritonavir
Extremes of body weight (RPTH 2023)
BMI >40: ISTH recommends standard dose Apixaban or Rivaroxaban. Drug levels not requred.
<50Kg: No recommendations from international guidelines. Pts underpresented in trial data.
Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC)
Octaplex 30 units/kg (max 3000 units) / Beriplex 50 units/kg (max 5000 units)
This is a supportive measure rather than a reversal / antidote to the DOAC effect
Andexanet alfa
Recombinant modified human factor Xa decoy protein. ~£15,000 per treatment.
Administered as a bolus followed by infusion.
ANNEXA-4 2019. Single arm trial. 1o outcomes were change in anti-Xa activity and physician-assessed haemostatic efficiency.
Approved by NICE in 2021 solely for use in the setting of life-threatening GI bleeding (and only for rivaroxaban or apixaban. Edoxaban is not included in the NICE recommendation)
ANNEXA-I. 530 adults with intracranial haemorrhage on rivaroxaban or apixaban. Andexanet vs Standard Care (87% of which got PCC). Study stopped early at interim analysis, due to superiority in primary outcome (‘effective haemostasis at one month’) vs usual care. No diff. in functional outcome or 30-day mortality. Higher rate of thrombosis in andexanet arm.
FDA Analysis of ANNEXA-I - FDA found a greater number of thrombotic events than were reported in the original trial write up. FDA figures for all thrombotic events = 14.6% andexanet vs 6.9% SOC
Following above, NICE have terminated their appraisal for ICH patients as drug company not taking it forward.
Pre-op: See table for each drug
Post-op: Re-start at full dose 6-12 hours after minor procedure, or 48-72 hours after major surgery.
Half-life: 5-9 hours
Excretion: 66% Hepatobiliary, 33% Renal
Dose: For treatment of VTE = 15mg BD for 21 days, then 20mg OD
Drug Monitoring:
Rivaroxaban Anti-Xa
Expected peak PT ratio = 1.3-16 and trough = normal
Pre-Op Table
Appears to have lower rate of bleeding complications compared to other DOACs (e.g. this and this) with the important caveat that there are no head to head trials to draw this conclusion from.
Half-life: 8-15 hours
Excretion: 75% Hepatobiliary, 25% Renal
Dose for treatment of VTE: 10mg BD for 7 days, then 5mg BD, then 2.5mg BD after 6 months if ongoing AC
Drug Monitoring
Apixaban Anti-FXa
Plasma drug levels assays: For 5mg BD, expected peak = 0.128mg/l and trough = 0.05mg/l
Pre-Op Table
Trials: ARISTOTLE, Caravaggio, ADAM
Lactose free (unlike other Xa inhibitors)
Half-life: 10-14 hours
Excretion: 50/50 Hepatobiliary/Renal
Dose for VTE: 5 days LMWH, followed by 60mg OD (30mg for CrCl 15-50, wt <60kg, interacting meds)
Drug monitoring: Edoxaban Anti-Xa
Pre-Op Table
Trials: Hokusai-VTE (Non-inferiority to dalteparin for treatment of VTE in cancer)
Direct Factor XIa Inhibitors
Watch this space. Drugs in development
Direct Factor XIIa Inhibitors
Watch this space. Drugs in development
IV infusion
Enzyme produced by Group C haemolytic streptococcus
Binds to plasminogen activating it to plasmin independently of fibrin
Hyperfibrinolytic effect lasts a few hours after stopping infusion, but TT remains prolonged for 24 hours.
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-PA)
Human recombinant protein
Causes fibrinolysis only at the site of vascular injury
Non-glycosylated t-PA —> longer half-life
Modified t-PA —> longer half-life
Half-life: 12 minutes
IV infusion
Obtained from human neonatal kidney cells
Emergency reversal of Fibrinolytics
For cerebral bleeding within 48 hours of administration
FFP + TXA +/- FGN replacement