Haemoglobinopathy Diagnosis (BSH 2023, uk thal standards 2016, NHS thal screening, GTG 2014)

N.B. Limited text functions on this site make this page a challenge, so all Greek characters have been swapped into the Latin.




Hbpathies are the commonest recessive monogenic disorders worldwide


Thalassaemias  = Reduced production of haemoglobin E.g. a/b/d/e/g-thal

Haemoglobin variant = Altered structure of haemoglobin. E.g. HbS/D/O (b-chain), HbG (a-chain)

Thalassaemic haemoglobin variant = E.g.  Hb Constant Spring (a-chain), Hb Lepore, Hb E (b-chain)


Chromosome 16 - a1, a2, z genes

Chromsome 11 - b, d, e, g genes

hb 1.png


typical Geographic Distributions


a0 - China, Taiwan, SE Asia, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Sardinia


b-Thal - Anywhere other than North Europe


HbS - Africa, Greece, Southern Italy, Turkey, Middle East, India


HbE - SE Asia


HbC - West Africa




There are four alpha chain alleles (a1 and a2 genes on each copy of ch. 16). These are written as aa/aa when all four alleles are present and functioning. The number of absent or dysfunctional alleles correlates with the clinical picture as below:

-a/aa, a+ Trait

Hb normal, MCV low, MCH low. Normal electrophoresis


-a/-a, Homozygous a+ Trait

Hb normal, MCV low, MCH low (<25). Normal electrophoresis


--/aa, a0 Trait

Hb normal, MCV low, MCH low (<25). Normal electrophoresis


--/-a, HbH Disease

Hb 70-110, microcytic, hypochromic

Results in production of HbH from 4 b chains. Detectable by electrophoresis, unlike the traits.

Spectrum of clinical phenotype from asymptomatic to severe anaemia and even hydrops.


--/--, Hydrops Fetalis

Incompatible with fetal life due to absence of alpha chain synthesis.

Results in production of Hb Barts from 4 gamma chains.


aTa/aTa, Non-deletional a-thal

E.g. Saudi T

In ‘standard’ deletional a+ thal the remaining genes are upregulated to compensate.

In homozygous aTa/aTa, this does not happen --> as a result HbH disease can occur even with two functioning a genes.



There are two beta chain alleles (one beta gene on each copy of ch. 11).

-/b, b-Thal Trait

Hypochromic, microcytic anaemia with a raised HbA2


-/- (b0) or  -/partial (b+), b-Thal Major

(Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia (TDT) / non-dependent (NTDT) increasingly replaces major/intermedia.)

1 in 4 births where both parents are -/b

Mutations --> deletion of b gene, d&b genes or even b, d & g genes

Frequently the result of inheritance of two different mutations, i.e. compound heterozygotes.

alpha chains still produced in normal quantities and so become present in excess --> pathology of b-Thal


Clinical Features

Severe anaemia at 3-6 months when the switch from HbF to HbA occurs

Hepatosplenomegaly, Bone expansion, Iron Overload, Infection, Osteoporosis



?When to start – case by case decision

Vol/Freq – aim pre-Tx Hb 90-100, often equates to 2-3 units per month in adults.




Classified as d0 and d+, similar to b-Thal.

No clinical significance other lowering the HbA2 and so compromising the diagnosis of a co-inherited b-Thal.




Classified as db0 and db+, depending on residual output of chains from the affected chromosome.

Includes Hb Lepore – a fusion mutation of the d&b genes.


egdb- Thalassaemia


Rare, results from large deletions

Severe haemolytic, hypochromic anaemia at birth. Improves after age of 3-6 months.

Only reported in heterozygotes. Homozygous state thought to be lethal at early fetal stage




Pre-conception Screening

Recommended to offer to at risk groups, i.e. most non-Northern European ethnicities (see table 1 in BSH2023)

If abnormality detected, partner should be tested


Antenatal Screening

Purpose is to detect:

1.     Significant maternal hbpathy - SS, SC, S/b, HbH, b-thal intermedia

2.     Maternal carrier states - AS, AC, AD, AE, AO, ALepore, b-trait, db-trait, HPFH, homozygous a0 trait


High prevalence areas = 2% or more of booking bloods are positive --> universal lab screening + FOQ

Low prevalence areas = <1% or more of booking bloods are positive --> FOQ to direct lab screening

Screening reports must be available within 3 working days

The antenatal and newborn screening programmes must be formally linked so that results can be paired and communicated between the two services with ease.

 Low Prevalence Area Screening Algorithm Simplified

FOQ = Family Origins Questionnaire given to all pregnant women in low prevalence areasFull algorithm here

FOQ = Family Origins Questionnaire given to all pregnant women in low prevalence areas

Full algorithm here

Newborn Screening

All newborns screened for SCD (and any <1 year old arriving in the country)

Aimed at providing early diagnosis to prevent long term morbidity

May or may not detect other hbpathies

Babies with only HbF or low HbA should be followed up for further testing for b-thal major

General Testing

GP or other HCP’s can request haemoglobinopathy screening when clinically relevant and with patient’s consent

Example indications for testing:

  • Hydrops fetalis

  • Unexplained anaemia / haemolysis / splenomegaly

  • Unexplained microcytosis / polycythaemia / target cell poikilocytosis / anisopoikilocytosis

  • Unexplained cyanosis with normal oxygen sats

Pre-op Screening

Testing should be offered to all patients from high prevalence groups

A finding of SCD will inform surgical and anaesthetic management

Testing should be performed in pre-assessment clinic

If sickle solubility test used in emergency setting then must be followed up with definitive testing later

acting on an abnormal antenatal screening result

S, C, D, E, H, Lepore or O detected

Confirm finding by an alternative method, e.g. Hb electrophoresis if the initial method was HPLC

Baby’s father should be offered screening without waiting for result of confirmatory test

Raised HbA2% / HbF

Interpret as per the guides lower down this page. Test baby’s father as needed.

Isolated low MCH

DDx: Iron deficiency, heterozygous a0 (—/aa), homozygous a+ (a-/a-)

Further testing for a0 (—/aa) should be performed based on family origin. a0 usually have MCH <25.

a+ (a-/a-) is not clinically significant in itself. a+ usually have MCH 25-28

Confirm with genotyping.

Haemoglobinopathy patient cards

Hbpathy cards should be issued to patients when a major haemoglobinopathy is identified and/or when a definitive diagnosis can be made.

Hbpathy cards should not be issued for apparent alpha thal unless confirmed by DNA analysis

Testing methods

Gel/cellulose Electrophoresis

Acid/Alkaline electrophoresis infrequently use in UK now due to time restraints. Automated, high throughput methods such as HPLC and CE have taken over as workloads increase.

The test however remains simple, reliable and rapid.

If used as a screening test, confirmation should be performed with HPLC or sickle solubility testing

Useful secondary technique after HPLC

Alkaline Electrophoresis

Cellulose Acetate or Agarose Gel (pH 8.2-8.6)

Hb negatively charged and will move towards the positive anode

A split A2 band is suggestive of an a chain variant


Acid Electrophoresis

Citrate Agar or Agarose Gel (pH 6.0-6.2)

Hb complexes with agaroprotein and moves towards the positive anode

Non-complexed Hb will move toward the negative cathode.

Used to distinguish S from D, and C from E & O-Arab

Different haemoglobins form bands on the electrophoresis strip at typical locations, as shown here:

hb 4.png

Sickle Solubility Test


From left to right: Positive Control, Patient Sample, Negative Control

From left to right: Positive Control, Patient Sample, Negative Control

Purchased as a commercial kit

Detects HbS down to a concentration of approx. 20%


False negatives – Anaemia, Infancy, Recent Transfusion

False positives – Paraprotein, Hyperlipidaemia, Heinz Bodies, Leukocytosis

If used as a screening test, confirmation should be performed an alternative technique


HbH Preparation

HbH bodies are intracellular precipitates of 4 beta-chains.

Occur in conditions with an excess of beta chains, i.e. alpha thalassaemia

(Acquired HbH disease seen in association with MDS and MPN)

HbH precipitates with brilliant cresyl blue (a ‘supravital’ stain)

Results in golf ball cells (and Heinz bodies if hyposplenic)

Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)

Can be used to analyse whole blood, haemolysates and dried blood spots

Separates F from A or variant haemoglobins

If used as a screening test, confirmation should be performed with HPLC or sickle solubility testing

Capillary Electrophoresis (CE)

Separates A, A2, E, F, S, C, D-Punjab and G-Philadelphia

If used as a screening test, confirmation should be performed with HPLC or sickle solubility testing

Differences to HPLC

  • Separates E and A2

  • CE does not separate glycosylated fractions (?Advantageous)

  • Automated CE systems allow higher throughput than HPLC

high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)


Principle of test

  1. Mixture of molecules (normal and variant Hb) with a net positive charge are adsorbed onto a negatively charged column.

  2. These are then eluted off in a mobile phase – a liquid containing increasing concentrations of cations flows through the column, competing for the anionic binding sites.

  3. As the positive Hb molecules are eluted off they are detected optically and the retention time is recorded. The area under the peak can quantify each Hb.

hb 5.png

HPLC can:

  • Separate A, A2, F, S, C, D-Punjab and G-Philadelphia

  • (E and Lepore usually co-elute with A2)

  • Detect previously undiagnosed diabetes through reporting of glycosylated haemoglobin.

Advantages over Haemoglobin Electrophoresis

  • Less labour intensive

  • Very small sample required

  • Quantification possible

  • Greater range of Hb’s identified

  • A2 detected and quantified —> easier to diagnosis b-thal


Disadvantages compared to Electrophoresis

  • Higher capital and reagent costs


Glycated haemoglobins

  • Each haemoglobin present can undergo ‘post-translational modification’, usually glycation, which affects its charge and so appears as a separate peak to the left of the original Hb.

  • Commonest example – the glycated A peak will increase in diabetes (HbA1c)

  • In SCD, there is a factitious rise in A2 as the glycated S sits in the A2 window.


interpreting HPLC Results


Low A2, 0-2%, Normal FBC

d-thal trait

d-variant (e.g. A2 prime) will produce to 2 equal peaks, in the A2 and S windows (‘Split A2’)

a-variant (e.g. G-Philidelphia) will produce to 2 unequal peaks (‘Split A2’)


Normal A2, 2-3.5%, Normal FBC


Pitfall: Silent b-thal mutations (e.g. +1480(C—>G))can have a normal HbA2

Pitfall: Delta variants (e.g. A2 prime) give a peak in the S window. Need to add the normal and variant A2 together to get total, otherwise might miss a b-thal.

Pitfall: The HPLC trace baseline can wander up, giving an underestimated A2.


Normal A2, 2-3.5%, low MCH

a-thal trait - Indistinguishable from iron deficiency

a0 and a+ - Indistinguishable on HPLC

egdb-Thal - Once an adult, indistinguishable from a and iron def.

Therefore, if MCH <25 and a0 possible based on ethnicity —> DNA Analysis


Raised A2, >3.2% (b chain disorders) 

≥3.5% + MCH <27 - Heterozygous b-thal

>4% + MCH normal - Mild b-thal, B12/folate def, liver disease, drugs, HIV

>8% - Hb Lepore heterozygous

>15% - Hb E


Pitfall: In b-thals, co-existence of a-thal will reduce A2 by 5% for each missing a gene.

E.g. HbE typically shows HbA of 30%. HbE/a+ homozygous will have 20% HbA2

Pitfall: Normal individuals with low MCH due to iron deficiency or a-thal trait, may have a HbA2 of 3.5-4% due to hyperthyroidism or drugs for HIV.


Raised HbF, >0.8%

>5%  + MCH <27 - Could be heterozygous db-thal

>10%  + MCH normal - Hereditary Persistance of Fetal Haemoglobin (HPFH)



  • Deletional – results from db chain deletions

  • Non-deletional – may be a beneficial modifier


Pitfall: HPFH often associated with a co-inherited a-thal and so MCH not a reliable means to differentiate between HPFH and db-thal.

N.B. Causes of a raised HbF in infants includes:

  • Trisomy 13, Chronic hypoxias, Small for gestational age, HPFH



80-95% - HbSS

40% - S trait (40% not 50% as a chains prefer the normal b chains)


HbS% will rise if S trait combined with b-thal as alpha chains can no longer preferentially bind with the normal beta chains. Recently transfused patients will have a lower HbS%


Pitfall: S, C and E can carry over from previous sample and appear in the next patient’s trace.

N.B. Voxelotor

Voxelotor is a HbS polymerisation inhibitor trialled for used in sickle cell disease (NEJM 2019)

Binds to alpha globin chains —> alters structure of A, A2, F and S —> alters their positions on HPLC, CE and IEF —> double peaks / bands / difficult interpretation of results.


Extra Notes on Variants

b-variants (S, C, E, D, O) will make up roughly 50% of Hb (2 genes)

a-variants (G) will make up roughly 25% of Hb (4 genes)


If an a-variant and b-variant co-exist three peaks will form – the a, b and hybrid.


hb 6.png

limitations of Screening


None of the current screening techniques can identify all abnormalities

However, combining tests, e.g. HPLC + CE, has a very high sensitivity+specificity

Some cases will nevertheless require DNA analysis

Recent blood transfusion

Screening results can be misleading within 4 months of a blood transfusion

If urgent results required, consider DNA analysis

Conditions not detected by newborn screening

Some conditions are only detectable once a mature haemoglobin pattern has been established, e.g.

  • B-thal carriers, Hb Lepore, HPFP

  • Some cases of B-thal major and intermedia

Conditions not differentiated by newborn screening

Some conditions are difficult to differentiate until a mature haemoglobin pattern has been established, e.g.

  • HbSS versus Compound HbS + beta,delta or gamma chain thals

  • HbEE versus HbE/beta0 thal

Premature babies

HbA detected from approx. 30 weeks (sometimes from 24 wks)

This will prevent detection of beta chain disorders

Conditions not detected by antenatal screening

Not detected by either high or low prevalence algorithms

  • Silent B-thal carriers

  • Alpha0 (—/aa) carriers in non-high risk groups

  • Dominant hbpathies in biological father where mother has a negative screen

  • Uncommon but clinically significant hbpathies, e.g. unstable haemoglobins

  • Co-inheritance of B-thal and triplicated alpha in a neonate

Not detected by the low prevalence algorithm

  • Hb variants in northern european families

  • Thal carriers obscurred by B12/folate deficiency, liver disease or other causes of raised MCV/MCH

  • Combine b-thal + a-thal carrier

Note: Programme also not designed to detect risk of child with HbH disease.

Accurate information from family origin questionnaire

Quality of information provided affects correct use of the algorithm

Important for midwives to be well trained in guiding women through the FOQ, e.g. consider ethnic/family origin not just country of birth, consider earlier generations not just patient and partner etc.