The main changes to the WHO classifications of haematological malignancy (WHO-HAEM5) have been published ahead of publication of the ‘Blue Book’ later this year. This is going to cause discrepancies throughout the site as I gradually update nomenclature and WHO tables. It could take some time!

Meanwhile, here are links to the WHO-HAEM5 articles:



And a few highlights to whet your appetite:

  • B-PLL is out and in the bin. Cases under that diagnosis are now redistributed based on their other features.

  • Atypical CML is now MDS/MPN with neutrophila

Update Dec 2020

2 year visits.png

Thank you to everyone who has visited the site or recommended it to a friend over the last two years, it has been so satisfying to see the visits climb! Recent updates include the addition of a page on viscoelastic testing and the number of MCQ questions passing 50!

Help Host Haembase!

Help Host Haembase (and fight blood cancer!)

Haembase is a free-to-use website but it costs me £144 in hosting fees each year. If you have found this website valuable over the last few years and would like to donate a few pounds to the hosting fee I would be very grateful! Plus, if the total passes £100, 100% of remaining donations will go to the charity Blood Cancer UK (previously known as Bloodwise).

Donate Here!

I have started this fundraiser to help pay the website hosting fees for www.haembase.com, and with any luck to raise some money for Blood Cancer UK (prev. Bloodwise) along the way. 

I created, and continue to maintain, Haembase as a free online resource for haematologists in training, and if you have found this fundraiser it is probably through having visited the site.

It is important to me that the website remains free to use and access, but the hosting fees gradually increase each year and will be £144 this Spring.

If you have found Haembase to be a useful resource and would like to contribute a few pounds to the ongoing running of the website I would be very grateful.

If you support me in this, I will:
- Aim to raise £100, which will go to the website hosting fee and I will pay the remaining £44.
- If this exceeds my expectations and there is any surplus, I will send every penny over the £100 mark to the charity Blood Cancer UK (until recently known as Bloodwise, https://bloodcancer.org.uk/)
- I will provide receipts for the above in the News section of Haembase
- Haembase will remain a free resource!

Thank you,

Tom Bull


I hope everyone is keeping well during the outbreak. I doubt revision is top of anyone’s mental list at present and so I am holding off new MCQ’s just now.

Instead there is a COVID-19 page where I will try to keep track of coag and gen haem related COVID-19 papers as and when I hear about them.

Inevitably BSH was cancelled this year but the Haembase abstract BSH2020-PO-031 has gone into an online supplementary edition of BJH and so thank you to everyone who completed one or both of the Haembase surveys.

Will try to tidy website up here and there as well